My failed attempt to find a recreational park wasn't fruitless, as I got to stop by the Auburn In-N-Out, a place I've been a few times before. What sets this one apart from other Sacramento region In-N-Outs is its slight perch over the freeway. The pavement layout is basically a way in, one way out...and this includes the drive-thru. Though it's wide enough for two-way traffic, a long line at the drive-thru might make it hard to get out. There's a lot of SUVs and RVs, too.
Capacity: 70

Apparently, this In-N-Out has won the Auburn Journal's Best Burger award mean feat, since I would think Auburn would be a place where a local grill could serve up a mean burger.

My order that day, a number one with onions...and tomatoes (they had just started putting them back in, after the tomato scare):
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